The combination of full concatenation of the sonet payload and atm bandwidth management also gives carriers the ability to offer new data services , such as virtual private network services at native lan speeds Sonet负荷的全部连入与atm带宽管理的结合也给予了电话公司提供新型数据服务的能力,如以本地局域网的速度提供虚拟专网服务。
Important developments in hong kong ' s telecommunications sector in 1997 included the launching of personal communications services ( pcs ) , and the licensing of competitive international virtual private network services and international simple resale services for facsimile and data 年内,本港电讯业的重大发展计有:推出个人通讯服务、为富竞争性的国际虚拟专用网络服务,以及传真及数据国际简单分销服务签发牌照。